

The inch (symbol: in or ) is a unit of length in the British imperial and the United States customary systems of measurement. 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters.


The foot (plural - feet, symbol: ft or ') is a unit of length in the British imperial and the United States customary systems of measurement. 1 foot is 30.48 centimeters.


The mile (symbol: mi) is a unit of distance in the British imperial and the United States customary systems of measurement. 1 mile is 1.61 kilometers.


The pound or pound-mass (symbol: lb) is a unit of mass in the British imperial and the United States customary systems of measurement. 1 pound is 0.45359237 kilograms.


The ounce or ounce-mass (symbol: oz) is a unit of mass in the British imperial and the United States customary systems of measurement. 1 ounce is 28.349523125 grams (1/16 of pound).


The gallon (symbol: US gal, US dry gal, imp gal) is a unit of volume in the British imperial and the United States customary systems of measurement. 1 US gallon is 3.785411784 litres, 1 US dry gallon is 4.40488377086 litres, 1 imperial gallon is 4.54609 litres.